Saturday, October 19, 2013

Knowing How To Spot Offensive T-Shirts

By Sharlene Fleming

For decades now there have been offensive t-shirts at every outlet someone can find. The social media and very conservative people determine what garment is negative to others. Writings on a piece of clothing may be okay to one person but hurtful to another.

Individuals express themselves about politics, education, the media, sex and every other aspect of life with these garments. Since this has become so popular, the garment industry has always invented a way to make cool cash on human emotions.

Media organizations realize that certain writings may cause a headache for them and the person who wears the clothes realizes this. They can wear a garment that states that a particular radio or television station "sucks". The item can also cause damage by stating that the media outlet is unfair or warn people to boycott it.

Political outlets also face the opinions from the concerned citizens through negative advertisement on these garments. Elections are the best time for people to show their dislike of a candidate and his/her issues. They may have statements written that a politician is too radical or too moral to lead. The wars of the past have also seen the harm that these writings can do. During the Vietnam war soldiers were often criticized through these items.

People often favor one candidate over the other. This makes the world of politics a very gruesome place to be in various countries and these garments gives someone a sense of power over the issues. Many fights have began over politics when people don't see eye to eye about different things.

In the education field a message can state negative things about certain schools. For example a person who did not receive good grades at a university may have a writing made up to state that the institution is "lame." Some of the garments may also have slogans that state negative things about a professor or staff member.

Sexual freedoms have always caused quite a stir in many countries. Garments of today are very hardcore when it comes to displaying messages or art about sex. The writings that are displayed on these clothing can be quite arousing to people and sometimes negative towards women or others who are different. They are seen to be humorous to the individual who sports them but unfunny to those being targeted by it.

No matter if it is political, personal or just plain revenge, the market for these offensive t-shirts are very strong and the people who manufacture them are sure to make a dollar from negativity. Sales for these garments definitely go up during a time or war or crisis. Election time is the biggest time to make money off of these items also.

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